If you were watching the news this morning, you might have seen our CTO Corey Nachreiner talking about election hacking. A leaked FBI alert from two days ago revealed that Arizona and Illinois' election board websites had been hacked by unknown attackers, which some believe to be the work of foreign governments. Corey went on the air with Bill Wixley at Q13 this morning to … [Read more...]
Vtech Update Proves SQLi – Daily Security Byte EP. 184
On Monday, I highlighted the Vtech breach. A hacker was able to steal millions of records from an online kid's toy manufacturer, which including information about children. Over the past day, we've learned two new updates about this story. One increases the scope of the breach, and the other explains how it happened (Spoiler: my hunch was correct). Watch today's for … [Read more...]
000Webhost has 000 Security – Daily Security Byte EP. 169
A popular hosting company suffered a network breach and lost over 13M user records. Not only did the company not know about the breach until five months later, the stolen records included clear text passwords. Watch today's video to see what you can learn from this web hoster's mistakes; of which they made many. (Episode Runtime: 2:23) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
TalkTalk Hacked by Teenager? – Daily Security Byte EP. 166
Last week, TalkTalk's suffered a data breach for the third time this year. It took awhile for the details to surface, but it looks like the attackers exploited a SQL injection flaw in TalkTalk's website to steal 4M customers' personally identifying information. Watch today's information to learn the latest news about this breach, and what you should do if you're a … [Read more...]
WatchGuard Security Week in Review: Episode 46 – IE 0day
IE 0day, Fraudulent Certs, and Damaged Drivers Happy New Year everyone, and welcome back to 2013's first episode of WatchGuard Security Week in Review (WSWiR). If you are new to our blog, the WSWiR vlog is a weekly video podcast designed to keep busy IT admins up-to-date with the latest security news and events every week. I cover big breaches, zero day flaws, software … [Read more...]