(update 12/11/20: XRSI may not have rooted the Quest 2, see XRSI May Have Lie About Gaining Root Access The Quest 2) XRSI may have found a way around the new Oculus Quest 2 Facebook login. Technical users will sometimes root a device to gain complete control over the device. This option for users commonly occurs with most of the popular phones … [Read more...]
Concerned with What Data Facebook Has Stored About You?
If you’re one of the 2.8B people that uses Facebook and are at least somewhat privacy-centric, I urge you to check out Facebook’s new Off-Facebook Activity settings option. For me, it was found within the Your Facebook Information section. There wasn’t too much within it for me, but The Hacker News’s Mohit Kumar wrote about his experience with this and there were over 1,000 … [Read more...]
Are Social Media Bots Influencing You?
Fake Facebook Ads, Twitter Bots, and Fraudulent LinkedIn Accounts If you haven’t heard by now, many fake accounts exist on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. A social media bot refers to an account that programmatically posts content. Many bots serve good purposes such as reporting and gathering information. The data from bots can help businesses, governments, news agencies … [Read more...]
Ten Year Old Whitehat – Daily Security Byte EP. 258
Social networks are super secure today, right? It would take an über sophisticated, genius adult to hack into a major web service wouldn't it? Nope! Watch Thursday's video to hear how an elementary kid pwned a Facebook property. (Episode Runtime: 2:55) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqBK0n-i60E EPISODE REFERENCES: Original Finnish tabloid post about … [Read more...]
Whitehat Finds Blackhat on Facebook – Daily Security Byte EP. 252
Bug Bounty programs are great ways for companies to get security researchers to help find and fix vulnerabilities in their products or infrastructure, but no one expected them to also reveal hackers in your network. Watch today's video to hear how one pen-tester found more than he bargained for when researching Facebook's network. (Episode Runtime: 3:38) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]