Today’s the first Thursday of the month, which means Microsoft has informed the world what to expect for next week’s Patch Day. I’m happy to say, the first Patch Day of 2011 won’t tax your IT department.
According to their advanced notification bulletin, Microsoft only plans to release two security bulletins on Tuesday 11. Both of the bulletins affect Windows, or components that ship with it — one rated Critical and one Important.
After last December’s insane Patch Day, I for one am happy for a light update load. However, you should still pay attention next Tuesday, despite the light load. One critical vulnerability is often all an attacker needs to make mincemeat of your network. I recommend you jump on Microsoft’s Critical and Important patches as soon as you can.
We’ll know more about these bulletins next Tuesday, and will publish alerts about them via LiveSecurity and LiveSecurity Informer. — Corey Nachreiner, CISSP
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