When a company’s website goes down, IT staff rush to resolve the issue and try to get to its root cause. This is easier said than done, considering the hosting options available in today’s Internet-market. You can host services internally, use online providers, or use a combination of options that help dynamically load balance traffic workload. A provider of such services, … [Read more...]
Self-Help Network Troubleshooting Guide
If you’ve ever had to troubleshoot a technical issue, surely you know that having pertinent information related to the issue is vital. This could include steps to reproduce the error, any captured logs detailing the issue at hand, or even steps taken attempting to (unsuccessfully) resolve the issue(s). With that being said, I will also say that there can be times of having too … [Read more...]
How Servers Serve Content
Computers seem to be virtually limitless in their abilities – they can send and receive digital information, serve content via many defined protocols, compute algorithms much faster than a human can, and even provide countless hours of fun and entertainment. One very common use of computers is indeed serving content to consumers, a technological concept known as client / server … [Read more...]
Networking Basics
Computers are a great tool and provide many perks to their users; they can perform tasks in a rather impressively fast manner, potentially offer paperless offices, and you’re even able to play computer games…of course not during working time! Aside from these great benefits, however, how useful would they be if we typed something up, had to print it (thus negating the … [Read more...]
Packet Capture on AWS ~ New Solutions to Old Problems
Security professionals often attach a packet capture security appliance to a span port on hardware network equipment to capture network packets in a data center. On AWS customers do not have access to span ports and physical networking equipment. This led some security professionals to believe it is not possible to implement a packet capture solution on AWS. In fact, packet … [Read more...]