Wow, it’s been a long time.
If you’ve followed the Daily Security Bytes over the years, you’ve probably wondered where the videos have been. As mentioned in a previous video, I was traveling for a month for WatchGuard, and wasn’t sure if I would be able to do regular videos during that time. In fact, that trip’s aggressive schedule made it hard to do any videos at all. When I returned from the trip, we were in the midst of an office re-design that temporarily made it hard to access our studio. However, all that is past. We’re in a cool new office space with a dedicated new studio, so I can get back to our previous semi-regular video schedule. I’m sorry for the longer than expected hiatus, and am excited to share the latest infosec news with you every week.
With that in mind, today’s Daily Byte covers the aLTEr Attack. Four researchers have found three new vulnerabilities affecting the LTE (4G) specification. Two allow attackers to passively learn a bit about your LTE device, while the third might allow a sophisticated attacker to poison your DNS, and force your LTE device to malicious web sites. There is no fix for these flaws yet—and there may never be—but the researchers admit they aren’t easy to exploit. Watch the video below for the details, and check out the references if you want to read the technical whitepaper.
Episode Runtime: 4:29
Direct YouTube Link:
- Official aLTEr attack web site –
- aLTEr Attack whitepaper [PDF] –
- Security flaws in all three layers of LTE (4G) – The Register
—Corey Nachreiner, CISSP (@SecAdept)
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