Happy Valentine’s Day! In honor of today, WatchGuard CTO Corey Nachreiner wrote a guest article on Help Net Security that celebrates the everlasting romance between black hat hackers and security neophytes. User error can cause even the most secure system to fail and attackers have been relying on uneducated people making security mistakes since the dawn of the internet. Here’s an excerpt from Corey’s article about the kind of valentines that a successful black hat might send to these naïve, over-trusting internet fools that they love so much.
To Bob from the law firm
Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
You use the same password everywhere,
So, I really love you!
Bob was a big deal back in the Myspace days. Too bad hundreds of millions of Myspace passwords leaked from a hack a few years ago, as well as credentials from countless other breaches. Bob’s Myspace password was part of that data, which I can now get free on the underground.
Read the full article, including the other three hacker valentines, on Help Net Security and learn more about why password reuse is a very bad idea here on Secplicity.
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