A month ago, Marcus Hutchins was arrested after attending the Black Hat Security Conference. Hutchins was known in the industry as security researcher who ran the MalwareTech alias. He also became known to the wider public as the WannaCry Hero for sink-holing the infamous ransomworm. The FBI has accused Hutchins for conspiring to create and distribute the Kronos banking malware. Hutchins has pleaded not guilty to these allegations.
Today’s Hutchins update comes from the investigative journalism of Brian Krebs. Krebs leveraged tools and data from places like Domain Tools to investigate some of the claims against Hutchins. Long story short, Krebs uncovered some compelling evidence that Hutchins was associated with the malware underground in his teenage years. Watch today’s video for some of the highlights from this investigation, and be sure to check out Krebs’ blog of you want more detail.
Episode Runtime: 3:04
Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5zjeGTuXTQ
- Kreb’s investigation on Hutchin’s history – Krebs on Security
- Beginning of Twitter rant on Kreb’s article – Twitter
Corey Nachreiner, CISSP (@SecAdept)
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