Most people wouldn’t be able to go a day without their smartphone. At this very moment, there’s a good chance your phone is in your hands, in your pocket or on your desk. But, while mobile devices have ushered in a new era of instant gratification, 24×7 communication and emojis, they also come with often-forgotten security risks. In a recent Computerworld article, security experts explained the top five mobile security threats facing today’s smartphone users.
From untrustworthy banking malware and malicious applications to ransomware, security risks have moved beyond our desktop computers and laptops to inhabit the mini computers we carry with us everywhere. To make matters worse, many people’s personal and professional data coexist on a single device; elevating the risk by offering cybercriminals a central point of entry for all kinds of sensitive information.
One of the top mobile threats is ransomware. In the article, WatchGuard CTO, Corey Nachreiner, explains the power of ransomworms – the next step in ransomware’s evolution: “After infecting one victim, it would tirelessly copy itself to every computer on your local network it could reach,” said Corey Nachreiner, CTO at WatchGuard Technologies. “Whether or not you want to imagine such a scenario, I guarantee that cybercriminals are already thinking about it.”
Read the article on Computerworld for more about today’s top mobile security threats and tips you can use to harden your devices against mobile attacks. For more information on ransomworms, check out Corey’s 2017 security predictions here.
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