WatchGuard is pleased to announce Fireware XTM OS 11.8.1 and WSM 11.8.1. This update includes many bugfixes and some new enhancements.
Highlights of new enhancements include:
- Customizable authentication page
- FireCluster for XTMv appliances
- Secondary network support on an existing trusted or optional VLAN
- Ability to static NAT from optional to trusted networks
- Some enhancements to better support ISP setup. For example the ability to send and enforce static IP addresses during PPPoE negotiation
- WatchGuard Management Servers high availability with a Windows Server cluster.
- Support for Sierra Wireless 320U 3G/4G USB modems
- The ability to update WatchGuard AP firmware from the Gateway Wireless Controller UI out of cycle of XTM firmware updates.
You can find more details about 11.8.1 in our Release Notes, as well as additional information, including screenshots, in our What’s New in 11.8.1 presentation [PPT].
Does This Release Pertain to Me?
This release applies to all XTM appliances, except XTM 21/21-W, 22/22-W, or 23/23-W appliances. If you or your customers need one of the bugfixes or new enhancements we recommend upgrading to the 11.8.1 release.
Please read the Release Notes before you upgrade, to understand what’s involved.
How Do I Get the Release?
XTM appliances owners who have a current LiveSecurity Service subscription can obtain this update without additional charge by downloading the applicable packages from the Articles & Software section of WatchGuard’s Support Center. To make it easier to find the relevant software, be sure to uncheck the “Article” and “Known Issue” search options, and press the Go button.
If you need support, please enter a support incident online or call our support staff directly. (When you contact Technical Support, please have your registered Product Serial Number, LiveSecurity Key, or Partner ID available.)
- U.S. End Users: 877.232.3531
- International End Users: +1.206.613.0456
- Authorized WatchGuard Resellers: +1.206.521.8375
Don’t have an active LiveSecurity subscription for your XTM appliance? It’s easy to renew. Contact your WatchGuard reseller today. Find a reseller ?
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