If you have no time to keep up with security news, but do want to know about the most concerning threats, our weekly video was made for you. It summarizes the biggest infosec stories each week (which I also cover in daily videos), and shares tips to protect your organization. Today's episode includes a couple of Apple software related threats, a new ATM malware variant, and … [Read more...]
XcodeGhost Pwns App Store – Daily Security Byte EP.147
A booby-trapped version of Xcode—Apple's development toolkit—is spreading on Chinese forums, and adding a malicious backdoor to any app made with it. Watch today's video to learn more about XcodeGhost, and what developers and users should do to avoid it. (Episode Runtime: 2:30) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC_oyFg7AnA EPISODE REFERENCES: Palo … [Read more...]