It’s 2021 and you probably have several Wi-Fi deployments lined up. Every organization expects access to Wi-Fi at all times, but delivering a powerful and secure solution is easier said than done. One of the last things any Wi-Fi integrator needs when climbing ladders to set up new access points for a customer, is well… climbing ladders again to replace it with another … [Read more...]
FBI Sounds the Alarm: Hotel Wi-Fi Poses an Increased Security Risk for Teleworkers
As the COVID-19 outbreak devastated the travel industry, many hotels launched “work-from-hotel” programs to appeal to locals who needed an escape from their home workspace. Hotels now offer daytime room reservations for people who wanted a quiet, distraction-free place to work, with the added amenities one would expect in a hotel. Unfortunately, cyber criminals have seized … [Read more...]
I am not worried about my Wi-Fi!
If you have read our recent Internet Security Report you will see there is a rise in probe requests over public Wi-Fi. Penetration testing tools are getting more sophisticated, it’s becoming easier for cyber criminals to eavesdrop and steal personal information from people over Wi-Fi. If we look at the original Mark I pineapple from Hak5 when it was first released, it was … [Read more...]
Innovative Social Distancing Technology for the Post COVID-19 Pandemic
What is the new normal? One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. Opening and keeping businesses going while minimizing the risk to employees has meant that most companies have adopted new ways of working, often leading their offices, factories, retail stores and other facilities more or less empty.Management … [Read more...]
Let’s Discuss: WPA2 Packet Captures
If you’ve never used Wireshark with promiscuous mode enabled, I highly recommend it – if you’re into geeky things that is. I know I am! This should go without saying, be responsible in what you do. Promiscuous mode allows a capable wireless network interface card (WNIC) to listen to all wireless traffic, regardless if the traffic is destined for your client machine or not. … [Read more...]