IE 0day, Fraudulent Certs, and Damaged Drivers Happy New Year everyone, and welcome back to 2013's first episode of WatchGuard Security Week in Review (WSWiR). If you are new to our blog, the WSWiR vlog is a weekly video podcast designed to keep busy IT admins up-to-date with the latest security news and events every week. I cover big breaches, zero day flaws, software … [Read more...]
WatchGuard Security Week in Review: Episode 45 – OpWestboro
Hacktivists Against Hate, SMS Spam Bots, and Exynos Exploits Hey! Look at that. The world hasn't ended. I guess that means my decision to prepare my weekly security news video rather than my apocalyptical fallout shelter wasn't a tragic mistake. If you are in the mood for some information security (infosec) news on the last Mayan calendar day of the, well, er...ever...then … [Read more...]