As the COVID-19 outbreak devastated the travel industry, many hotels launched “work-from-hotel” programs to appeal to locals who needed an escape from their home workspace. Hotels now offer daytime room reservations for people who wanted a quiet, distraction-free place to work, with the added amenities one would expect in a hotel. Unfortunately, cyber criminals have seized … [Read more...]
Do You Trust Your Home Wi-Fi?
We’ve been talking a lot lately on how crucial it is for organizations to enable a Trusted Wireless Environment. Now that working remotely is our “new normal,” and not every company is able to send an AP225W wall plate access point home with everyone, we covered 5 tips that would keep remote workers safe and Wi-Fi hackers away in a previous blog, but here’s a refresher: … [Read more...]
WFH? Now is the Time to Retain Control of Your Wi-Fi Network
The last few weeks have been “interesting” to say the least. The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced much of the workforce to work remotely to help slow the spread of the disease. Working from home can introduce security concerns related to Wi-Fi. With more employees working from home comes the increased vulnerability of people using Wi-Fi, and there is not enough education … [Read more...]