Did you catch all the important information security news this week? Do you know what you might learn from it? If not, watch our weekly security recap video to catch up. Today's episode covers yet another SSL vulnerability, explores a new Android worm, and mentions a controversy around Turbo Tax-related fraud. Watch the video for the details and check out the Reference section … [Read more...]
Snowden, PowerOffHijack, and Router Phishing – WSWiR Episode 141
From nation state espionage, to Internet rights, to router hijacking emails, each week is packed full on information security (infosec) news. Even if you don't have time to follow it in depth, you can't afford to miss the latest intelligence. Let our weekly summary video fill you in. Today, we cover Snowden's public interview on Reddit, a dangerous sounding Android threat … [Read more...]
PowerOffHijack’s a Dud – Daily Security Byte EP.30
Everyone's hair is on fire about PowerOffHijack, the Android malware that spies on you when you phone is supposed to be off. Guess what? It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. Check out the video to learn why. (Episode Runtime: 2:08) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPgNZIs9Iq4 EPISODE REFERENCES: PowerOffHijack spies when you phone is … [Read more...]