In today's quick Security Byte video, I cover the Oracle and Cisco patches that have come out over the past few days. If you use products from either company, watch the video for highlights, and check the links below. (Episode Runtime: 2:20) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: Oracle CPU advisory for April 2016 - Oracle … [Read more...]
Oracle & Apple Patches – Daily Security Byte EP. 206
Another week, another pile of patches. If you use Apple or Oracle products, it's time to download the latest updates to keep your computers and servers safe. Watch today's video for a quick summary of the affected products and issue, and check the link below to learn more. (Episode Runtime: 2:18) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE … [Read more...]
Oracle CPU for Oct. 2015 – Daily Security Byte EP. 162
Oracle follows a quarterly patch cycle, and today they released their big Critical Patch Update (CPU) for October 2015. Since they only update four times a year, they tend to release tons of patches at once. Today's update fixes 154 vulnerabilities in a wide selection of their products—from MySQL to the Siebel CRM. Most importantly, they also released a Java update. If you use … [Read more...]
IE11 0day XSS Flaw – Daily Security Byte EP.17
Beware of phishers leveraging a new zero day Internet Explorer (IE) 11 flaw that affects the latest, fully-patched version of Windows. Click play for details. (Episode Runtime: 1:35) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: New XSS vulnerability affects IE 11 running on Windows 8.1 - Computer World Full Disclosure post about the … [Read more...]
Syrian Honey Trap – Daily Security Byte EP.16
Bad actors have always tried to lure us into doing things we shouldn't by appealing to our base, carnal instincts. Today's daily infosec video shares why you might want to avoid "hot girls" in general online. (Episode Runtime: 1:38) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: “Hot Girls” are still an effective lure, even among … [Read more...]