Unfortunately, lots of security news suggests lots of cyber crime. If you want to stay protected, you need to keep up to date; but who has time? Hopefully our weekly InfoSec video can help. Last Friday's episode covered an IRS data leak, a mysterious text message that crashed iPhones, some scary new crowd-sourced ransomware, and more. Watch the YouTube video below for all the … [Read more...]
North Korean Cyber Killers? – Daily Security Byte EP.91
Today, a North Korean (NK) defector and university professor claimed the NK's Bureau 121 cyber attack group includes 6000 cyber warrior who could destroy cities and cause human casualties. Meanwhile, we also learned that the US government allegedly launched a failed, Stuxnet-like attack against NK back in 2010. How much of this is true, and what do two nations states battling … [Read more...]
IE11 0day XSS Flaw – Daily Security Byte EP.17
Beware of phishers leveraging a new zero day Internet Explorer (IE) 11 flaw that affects the latest, fully-patched version of Windows. Click play for details. (Episode Runtime: 1:35) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIKDoTGBaTU EPISODE REFERENCES: New XSS vulnerability affects IE 11 running on Windows 8.1 - Computer World Full Disclosure post about the … [Read more...]
Syrian Honey Trap – Daily Security Byte EP.16
Bad actors have always tried to lure us into doing things we shouldn't by appealing to our base, carnal instincts. Today's daily infosec video shares why you might want to avoid "hot girls" in general online. (Episode Runtime: 1:38) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyivxEiCuKM EPISODE REFERENCES: “Hot Girls” are still an effective lure, even among … [Read more...]
Lots of 0day – WSWiR Episode 136
Every network admin I know is buried under a list of tasks, and has little time to spend learning about the latest information security news. If that sounds like you, check out our weekly news recap video. This episode, from the third week of January, covers rumors the NSA hacked North Korea, a warning about attackers exploiting an zero day Flash flaw, Oracle's quarterly … [Read more...]