According to Cisco’s 2016 VNI report, Wi-Fi now accounts for 60 percent of all connections to the internet and they estimate that the number of public Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide will grow to 540 million in 2021. But with more and more people connected to the internet wirelessly, the risk of digital attacks increases as well. Ryan Orsi, Director of Product Management … [Read more...]
Lots of Duplicate Keys – Daily Security Byte EP. 183
You've heard me talk about the Lenovo Superfish issue, and Dell's Superfish 2.0. Both these vendors shipped products with identical digital certificates, which makes it easier for attackers to trick these devices into trusting them, if they can get into the path of the devices' communications. Well, the news just got even worse. Watch today's episode to learn about the latest … [Read more...]
Plane Hacking & Crypto Logjams – WSWiR Episode 153
Are you too busy provisioning new servers and reseting your users' Windows passwords to keep up with information security news? If so, we have a quick solution for you. Learn the most important security issues in under ten minutes with our weekly security review video. Today's episode talks about the latest plane hacking drama, a new cryptographic weakness, and a data breach … [Read more...] InfoSec Fail – Daily Security Byte EP.69 is inadvertently exposing its user's passwords to snooping hackers. Learn what they did wrong, and how you can avoid it in today's Daily Security Byte video. (Episode Runtime: 2:26) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: Reporter demonstrates clear text login for - Ars Technica Twitter users tips Ars … [Read more...]