Severity: High Summary: These vulnerabilities affect: All current versions of Windows (and related components like the .NET Framework and VBScript Engine) How an attacker exploits them: Multiple vectors of attack, including luring users to malicious web sites or into viewing malicious vector graphics Impact: In the worst case, an attacker can gain complete control of your … [Read more...]
WatchGuard Announces Fireware XTM and WSM v11.5.1
Available for All XTM Appliances WatchGuard is excited to announce the release of Fireware XTM v11.5.1 and WatchGuard System Manager (WSM) v11.5.1, the latest security operating system for our award-winning XTM appliance line. You can install Fireware XTM OS v11.5.1 on any WatchGuard XTM device, including 2 Series, the new XTM 330, 5 Series, 8 Series, XTM 1050, and XTM 2050 … [Read more...]
Are You Ready for the Great IPv6 Migration?
Tune in for WatchGuard’s IPv6 Readiness Webinar Series, Starting June 8th In 1984, the capacity for 4.3 billion potential web addresses provided by IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) seemed like an enormous amount for the fledgling public Internet. However, rapid worldwide Internet adoption and the proliferation of devices (PCs, cars, smart phones, etc.), each requiring its … [Read more...]