Security professionals often attach a packet capture security appliance to a span port on hardware network equipment to capture network packets in a data center. On AWS customers do not have access to span ports and physical networking equipment. This led some security professionals to believe it is not possible to implement a packet capture solution on AWS. In fact, packet … [Read more...]
Network Security: Mining the Alphabet Soup for What Matters
The security industry likes to create acronyms – IAM, UTM, NGFW, MFA, EDR, etc. Perhaps it comes from the general human tendency of wanting to simply define complex topics. In an ever-changing industry, like information security, these acronyms and groupings create major challenges over time. Each year there are new threats, and with that comes more innovation and different … [Read more...]
Upgrade to IE11 or Edge No Matter What – Daily Security Byte EP. 202
Last month, I warned you that Microsoft planned to End-of-Life all version of Internet Explorer (IE) after January 12, except version 11. This means they will only release security updates for IE11 and the new Edge browser, so if you use Microsoft browsers you need to upgrade to stay safe. However, in today's video I tell you why you need to upgrade to IE11 (or Edge) even if … [Read more...]
New Year, New Microsoft Patches – Daily Security Byte EP. 201
Why not start your new year security plan right by staying current with patches? Tuesday was Microsoft and Adobe's monthly patch day. Watch the video below to learn about the affected products, the severity of the issues, and how quickly to patch. Or at the very least skip to the reference section to find links to the proper patches. (Episode Runtime: 2:51) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
Microsoft Patch Day is NOT Dead Yet – Daily Security Byte EP.81
Though Microsoft announced they plan to kill off Patch Day for Windows 10, it's still alive and kicking in May. Today's video shares the Patch Day highlights and recommends which updates you should prioritize. (Episode Runtime: 1:50) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: Our summary post on Microsoft's May Patch Day … [Read more...]