In a previous post I discussed a more broad and general standard on sharing information about Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). Collaboration is what keeps the world moving forward, allowing great minds to work together to continue pushing research and development further. There is work to be done to be a participant; however, what if you want to contribute but simply cannot at … [Read more...]
Be a Part of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Community
Has your company recently been the target of malicious activity? Do you want to provide information related to the attack to help identify potential future attacks and help raise awareness for others and the community as a whole? That’s where Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX), Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) and Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator … [Read more...]
Tax Time Security Woes – WSWiR Episode 139
There's tons of security news each week. If you can't keep up, I try to summarize the most important stuff for you in my weekly video. This week's show covers a researcher leaking 10M credentials, Forbes' website getting hacked, a TurboTax security scare, and much more. Watch the video for all the details, or check out the Reference section for other interesting … [Read more...]