This blog expands on my previously written My Journey into the Dark Web, which can be found here. The previous post covers where to start prior to meandering on the dark web, doing so in a safer manner by utilizing a VM and the Tor browser. Following is the clarification of some buzzwords that can seem ambiguous; surface web vs. deep web vs. dark web. It then covers what the … [Read more...]
Hells Angels or Hackers? Biker Gang Hacks and Steals 150 Jeep Wranglers
The Mongols. The Bandidos. The Outlaws. Hells Angels. These are some of the most notorious motorcycle gangs out there. And now it’s time to add “The Hooligans” to the list. When this Tijuana-based biker club wants to steal a car, they don't just pull out a “Slim Jim” – they take a more technical approach. According to a recent SC Magazine article, The Hooligans hacked into and … [Read more...]
Mr Robot Rewind – Daily Security Byte EP.118
Mr Robot keeps getting better. This is the first show that I've seen that gets hacking and technology consistently right; down to the tools they show in screen shots. I like it so much that I have partnered with GeekWire to do an article series analyzing each episode. Watch Friday's video to learn more about it, and have a great weekend. Show Note: There will not be a video on … [Read more...]
Grounded Airline, Snowden Leak, and Mr. Robot – WSWiR Episode 158
If you're feeling behind on critical information security news, you're not alone. There are so many new InfoSec stories each week that only a dedicated few can keep up with the latest. If you need a little help following what's important, let our weekly security news summary video keep you informed. Last Friday's episode covered an 0day Flash flaw, the latest Snowden leak, my … [Read more...]
Baseball Hacks and Mobile Threats – WSWiR Episode 157
Do you want to know about the latest security threats, but find yourself too busy solving business critical IT problems to keep up to date? Well maybe our videos can help. This weekly video summarizes the most interesting InfoSec news from the week. Or if you prefer, you can catch the shorter dailies. Last Friday's episode covered a cracked cloud password vault, an unusual … [Read more...]