I often recommend NoScript; a Firefox extension that helps protect you from drive-by downloads. Unfortunately, this week I'm warning you that it can also help attackers hijack Firefox. Watch today's video to learn more about CrossFire. (Episode Runtime: 2:56) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIAEqDcXZLY EPISODE REFERENCES: CrossFire: An Analysis of … [Read more...]
Password Alert Fail – Daily Security Byte EP.73
Yesterday, I recommended a free Google Chrome extension that could help spot phishing attacks, but today a security researcher has already figured out how to bypass it. Press play to learn what he did, and whether or not this extension is still worthwhile. (Episode Runtime: 1:24) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdzYtcmLpao EPISODE REFERENCES: Google’s … [Read more...]
Prevent Phishing with Password Alert – Daily Security Byte EP.72
In today's extra short daily vlog I recommend a free security tool rather than cover the InfoSec news. If you use Chrome, watch the video to learn how Password Alert can inform you of phishing attempts. (Episode Runtime: 1:02) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYuJN8H6Dog EPISODE REFERENCES: Google releases a Chrome extension to protect you from phishing … [Read more...]
Java DDoS Botnet – WSWiR Episode 93
Cross-Platform Bots, Deceitful Ransomware, and Oracle Exploits Ok... I know all your minds are already on this weekend's upcoming Super Bowl, and if you're anything like my Seattle-based office, you've got that Seahawk 12ᵗʰ man spirit going on. But, before running off to your tailgate party, why not take a few minutes to catch up on this week's information security news with … [Read more...]
Sniffin' Android VPN – WSWiR Episode 92
Energetic Bear APTs, Bugged Browsers, and Trojaned Extension Another week, another pile of scary sounding security stories. But don't freak out... If you know how to protect yourself, you can easily avoid most of these vulnerabilities and issues. Enjoy another episode of WatchGuard Security Week in Review for a quick recap of the Infosec news from the week, and what to do about … [Read more...]