Anyone that’s been paying attention knows that fileless malware has been on the rise for the past few years. But, did you know that we’re likely to see this infamous threat transform in new and menacing ways this year? Enter the Vaporworm. Just a few short months ago, the WatchGuard Threat Lab predicted that 2019 would be the year we’d see a new breed of fileless malware with … [Read more...]
Why Government Vulnerability Disclosure Processes Need Private Sector Involvement
Most people are either staunchly for or against the practice of governments finding and concealing zero-day exploits for use in cyber warfare or information gathering campaigns. What’s often overlooked, though, are perspectives that this issue can be a lot more gray than it is black and white. Did you know that the US government actually has a process in place to assess both … [Read more...]
The Top Cyber Threats Businesses Face Today
As 2018 comes to a close and we look ahead toward the new year, now is the time for reflection and planning. And for businesses of all sizes and industries, cyber security should be a major topic of discussion through this process. When it comes to information security, there isn’t a company out there that can afford not to ask the tough questions. When was the last time you … [Read more...]
Hackers Hit Crypto Jackpot with Easily Exploitable Oracle App Vulnerability
After Chinese security researcher, Lian Zhang, published a proof-of-concept exploit of an Oracle Web application server vulnerability last month, hackers were quick to take advantage of the information to make a quick buck. According to Ars Technica, the ongoing campaign targets Oracle’s PeopleSoft and WebLogic servers, leveraging the newly revealed vulnerability to mine … [Read more...]
Hackers Take Tips From WannaCry and Petya Ransomware Attacks
Hackers are adding lessons they’ve learned from the worldwide spread of the WannaCry ransomware and Petya cyberattack to their playbook. According to an article in ZDNet, the hackers behind the Trickbot financial malware are testing a new version of Trickbot that uses a rough imitation of the EternalBlue security vulnerability to spread itself through an infected network like … [Read more...]