Earlier Snowden leaks have already introduced us to XKeyScore. However, new documents highlighted in the latest Intercept article make it sound even worse than privacy advocates first suspected. Watch the video to learn more. As an aside: You may have noticed there was no episode on Wednesday. I was updating my production software, which prevented me from creating a video that … [Read more...]
Grounded Airline, Snowden Leak, and Mr. Robot – WSWiR Episode 158
If you're feeling behind on critical information security news, you're not alone. There are so many new InfoSec stories each week that only a dedicated few can keep up with the latest. If you need a little help following what's important, let our weekly security news summary video keep you informed. Last Friday's episode covered an 0day Flash flaw, the latest Snowden leak, my … [Read more...]
Nation States Spy on AV Vendors – Daily Security Byte EP.103
You would hope our governments only spy on or hack the bad guys, but apparently they target security companies too. The latest Snowden leaks cover how the NSA and GCHQ target foreign antivirus companies, and reverse engineer their products to presumably find weaknesses. Watch today's video to learn why I think this is bad for the security of all countries. (Episode Runtime: … [Read more...]
John Oliver Interviews Snowden – Daily Security Byte EP.60
You may not assume an HBO comedy host can teach you much about information security and privacy, but I think you might be surprised. Check out today's episode to see how to watch John Oliver interviewing Edward Snowden. (Episode Runtime: 2:34) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3zQFT9LG6c EPISODE REFERENCES: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden on Last … [Read more...]
Securing HTTPS – Daily Security Byte EP.45
Pinterest's recent security announcement offers a good excuse to talk about the increase in HTTPS encryption, and why you need security controls that can scan HTTPS traffic without slowing down your network. Watch the video for details. (Episode Runtime: 2:52) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sKIfh3Xswc EPISODE REFERENCES: Pinterest beefs up security … [Read more...]