You might be sick of ransomware, but that won't stop criminals from releasing new variants. Bart is the latest extortion malware that arrives as a zipped JavaScript file. Watch Monday's Byte for a Firebox tip on how you might avoid this new threat. (Episode Runtime: 3:03 Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: Locky attackers … [Read more...]
Morphing Ransomware Factory – Daily Security Byte EP. 269
In past videos, I've talked about how malware variants often "morph" to evade signature-based malware detection. Today's video covers research showing just how often attackers change their ransomware variants. Watch to learn why you need better ways to catch modern malware and ransomware. (Episode Runtime: 4:08) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
Locky Ransomware- Daily Security Byte EP. 222
If you only watch the Daily Security Bytes, but don't read the blog, you may have missed our recent written post on the Locky ransomware. Today's episode quickly summarizes this post and why you should read it to make sure you've configured the WatchGuard defenses that can keep this kind of threat off your network. (Episode Runtime: 2:24) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
Hospital Held Ransom – Daily Security Byte EP. 219
Crypto ransomware has plagued consumers and small business for a few years now, but when it affects hospitals things get dangerous. Watch Friday's Byte to learn how ransomware forced a hospital in LA back to the paper age, and what you can do to prepare your organization from a digital disaster. (Episode Runtime: 2:46) Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
Ransomware Costs $18M – Daily Security Byte EP.104
I've mentioned ransomware repeatedly in my videos, but today the FBI warned business how dangerous ransomware can be. Watch our video to learn how much ransomware has cost US companies this year, and how to protect yourself from it. (Episode Runtime: 2:30) Direct YouTube Link: EPISODE REFERENCES: Cyber criminal make over $18M … [Read more...]