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Microsoft Releases Out-of-Cycle .NET Framework Security Update



Last week — following the holiday weekend — Microsoft released a blog post and Security Advisory about a new, publicly disclosed ASP.NET Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.

A few days later, they released an out-of-cycle Security Bulletin fixing that .NET Framework vulnerability, and three others. Whether you manage a public web server with ASP.NET applications, or host such .NET applications internally, we highly recommend you download, test, and deploy the appropriate .NET Framework updates as soon as possible.

Microsoft’s out-of-cycle .NET Framework security bulletin describes four vulnerabilities, including the publicly disclosed DoS vulnerability mentioned above. The vulnerabilities have different scopes and impacts. I detail two of the more relevant issues below, in order of severity:

Microsoft’s bulletin also fixes a less severe privilege escalation vulnerability, as well as an insecure URL redirect flaw. For more details on these two flaws, see the “Vulnerability Information” section of Microsoft’s bulletin.

Solution Path:

Microsoft has released .NET Framework updates to fix these vulnerabilitie. If you have web servers or clients that use the .NET Framework, you should download, test and deploy the corresponding updates immediately.

Due to the exhaustive and varied nature of .NET Framework installations (1.1, 2.0, 3.5.x, and 4.0 running on many Windows platforms), we will not include links to all the updates here. We recommend you visit the “Affected and Non-Affected Software” section of Microsoft’s bulletin for those details.

If possible, we also recommend you use Windows Update to automatically download and install the appropriate .NET Framework on client computers. That said, you may still want to keep production servers on a manual update process, to avoid upgrade-related problems that could affect business-critical machines.

For All Users:

This attack typically leverages normal looking HTTP requests, which you must allow for users to reach your web application. Therefore, Microsoft’s patches are your primary recourse.


Microsoft has released updates to correct this vulnerability.


This alert was researched and written by Corey Nachreiner, CISSP.

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