On Monday, Apple released seven new security updates to fix tens of vulnerabilities in a number of their products. If you use any Apple based operating system (OS), you'll want to apply at least one of these updates as soon as you can. Watch below for a quick summary of these updates and the affected products, and check the references section for links to the … [Read more...]
Eleanor Mac Backdoor – Daily Security Byte EP. 284
Many Mac users think they're immune to malware, but unfortunately that's untrue. Though Windows malware variants still greatly outweigh Apple ones, Mac malware is starting to appear more regularly. Today's Byte video covers a new Mac trojan discovered by Bitdefender, and what you can do to avoid it. (Episode Runtime: 3:04 Direct YouTube … [Read more...]
Apple’s May Updates – Daily Security Byte EP. 263
It time to update your OS X software before hackers take a bite out of your Apple. This week, Apple released five software updates fixing security flaws in many of their most popular operating systems and products. Watch the "traveling edition" of my Daily Security Byte for the details. (Episode Runtime: 1:33) Direct YouTube Link: … [Read more...]
FBI Delays Apple Case – Daily Security Byte EP. 237
The FBI vs Apple court hearing was supposed to start Tuesday, but the FBI delayed it. What happened? Watch my daily video to find out and to learn what I think this means to the case. (Episode Runtime: 4:52) Direct YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0hVttpqeB0 EPISODE REFERENCES: FBI delays the Apple hearing - The Verge FBI thinks it might be able to unlock … [Read more...]