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Use the Zappos Breach to Renew Your Password Strategy

Last Sunday, Zappos (a popular, Amazon-owned, online shoe reseller) warned its employees and customers that an attacker had gained access to their internal network, and made off with a bunch of sensitive customer information. The good news? The attacker did not gain access to any customer credit card info. The bad news? He or she did steal over 24 million users’ names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and encrypted or hashed passwords.

Zappos hasn’t released any technical details about the attack, and I don’t expect them to. If forced to guess, I’d assume it probably originated from some web application flaw, which is a pretty common vector these days. That’s why I often suggest that IT and web administrators focus their security resources on their web applications; both by encouraging secure web coding practices, and by leveraging security controls with application-layer inspection capabilities (such as the HTTP and HTTPS proxies that WatchGuard’s XTM appliances offer). However, that’s not what I’m here to talk about today. Today, I want to talk about passwords.

I’ve talked about passwords many times before, but as a core principle of security (technically part of Authentication), the advice bears repeating. Here are some password-related tips; both general and related to password security breaches:

None of this advice is ground -breaking.  I’ve mentioned it many times before, including during the HBGary hacking incident. However, some aspects of password security — particular the part about not reusing passwords — are admittedly hard for normal people to follow in the real world, because they can slow things down. I hope you use this Zappos breach to remind you of the benefits of following certain security best practices, even if they put small speed bumps in front of your typical business processes. Sometimes we need these speed bumps to prevent ourselves from crashing headlong into a brick wall.  — Corey Nachreiner, CISSP (@SecAdept)
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